FEMA awards $3 million + for Am Samoa’s COVID vaccine effort
Washington, D.C. — Saturday, Congresswoman Uifaatali Amata welcomed over $3.4 million in federal funding for the COVID-19 vaccine effort through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Specifically, this award provides $3,438,384.66 in federal funding to the American Samoa Department of Health (and sub-recipients) for Emergency Protective Measures as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Congress authorized such funding under Section 403 of the Robert T. Stafford Act, which directs response efforts such as this.
“We have been so blessed not to have any COVID-19 cases on the island, which is a credit to the good work of many of our people, and it’s also a blessing to have the repatriation of our people carefully underway,” said Congresswoman Amata. “These FEMA funds are at 100 percent federal rate, with no ASG match needed for this spending toward the ongoing vaccine distribution. That’s great news, and congratulations to Governor Lemanu’s administration, Director Motusa Nua, our health professionals, and everyone involved in keeping our islands safe and healthy.”
FEMA is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Just this month, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was sworn in, and FEMA is currently led by Bob Fenton, Senior Official Performing the Duties of FEMA Administrator.
“Our thanks to FEMA and Secretary Mayorkas for this helpful health grant,” she concluded.