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Pacific Business Center Program

Auntie Shirley Ann Pualani Kauhaihao picking ulu with a long pole
Honolulu, HAWAII — The ‘Ama’ (outrigger) Initiative has been launched by the Pacific Business Center Program (PBCP) via its Multi-Purpose Business Incubator (MPBI) project. As a metaphor, the Ama is used as an economic outrigger to support and prevent the capsizing of Hawaii’s primary economic ship...
 Honolulu City Council and Hawaii Legislature will be presenting this proclamation and commendation at the Summit  Monday morning
Honolulu, HI — The Hawaii 2018 Global Breadfruit, Technology & Health Summit being hosted by the University of Hawaii Pacific Business Center Program (PBCP) will be held at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Lai’e, Oahu, Hawai’i, October 15-17. Inaugurated in 2016, it is the third consecutive...