Tualauta is only county that increased population in 2020 Census
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Tualauta remains the most populated county in American Samoa and Tafuna has the highest population count for all villages in the territory as of April 1, 2020, according to data of the 2020 American Samoa Census released late last week by the U.S Census Bureau.
And Tafuna village has three known subdivisions — Fagaima, Ottoville, and Kokoland — which many have argued are home to residents from other villages of the territory including from the Manu’a island group.
The US Census Bureau released last Thursday the 2020 Census for American Samoa and it shows the population count in 2020 decreased by 10.5% from the 2010 census. As of April 1, 2020, the territory’s population was 49,710, down from the 2010 Census figure of 55,519.
Of the three Districts in the territory, the Western District has the highest population count at 31,819 — an increase of 490 people or 1.6% in 2020 compared to 2010 Census, according to the 2020 Census count.
For the other two Districts, Manu’a District population decreased by 27.2% to 832 people counted in the 2020 Census compared to 1,143 in 2010; while the Eastern District dropped to 17,059 in 2020 compared to 23,030 in 2010 - a decrease of 25.9% - or 5,971 people.
According to the Census Bureau, there were 17 residents who registered on Swains Island in 2010 but none in 2020. Rose Atoll is mentioned in the data, with no population as this is an uninhabited island of American Samoa and the census is not applicable there.
For the territory’s counties, Tualauta still has the largest population with 22,827 in 2020, an increase of 9.4% — or 1,969 more residents for this county — compared to 20,858 in 2010. It’s the only county that registered an increase in population between 2010 and 2020.
The second largest county, in the 2020 Census, is Ma’oputasi at 8,568 registered residents, compared to 10,299 in 2010; followed by Lealataua with 4,293 compared to 5,103 in 2010; and Ituau at 3,431 compared to 4,676 in 2010.
Two counties saw a drastic decrease in population, by nearly 50%. For example. Sa’ole population dropped by 47.1% - with 2020 count at 1,158 compared to 2,187 in 2010; while Vaifanua faced a decrease of 41.6 percent - with registered 1,487 residents in 2020 compared to 2,545 in 2010.
There is always a lot of interest in what village has the highest population, and according to the 2020 Census, Tafuna has the largest population at 7,988, followed by Nu’uuli with 4,991, Iliili at 3,073, Pago Pago with 3,000; Pavaiai with 2,112; Faleniu with 1,953 and Vaitogi at 1921.
Based on the Census Bureau data, villages in Tualauta County — such as Tafuna, Iliili, Vaitogi, Pavaiai, Faleniu, Mapusaga Fou (with 1,772) — have gained in 2020 over other villages, which were the largest ones in the past years.
For example, Leone village in Fofo county has a population count of 1,598 — Aua village with 1,549; and Fagatogo with 1,445.
The village with the smallest population is Maloata — on the western side of Tutuila — with 6 registered residents; followed by Sili village in Manu’a with 9 and Alega with 29.
Click on attachment for full list of village populations