Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The new Miss Society of Fa’afafine in American Samoa (SOFIAS) is Tafuna High School teacher Miss Christian Wright Sa’alea of Matu’u and Faganenea who was crowned on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the 39th Annual Miss SOFIAS Beauty Pageant at the DWYA Tafuna Center.
Miss Christian Wright Sa’alea shows off her evening wear made in her favorite color blue, featuring different patterns and feathers that were hand stitched in the dress during the 39th Annual Miss SOFIAS Beauty Pageant on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The outfit won Best Evening Gown and her designer was also awarded a $500 prize. [photo: faaTalanoa Media]
The 32-year-old Social Studies teacher won the Best Lady SOFIAS Wear, Best Swim Wear and Best Evening Gown during the pageant as well as pre-pageant awards for Best Cocktail Dress and for Miss Congeniality. She was sponsored by Team Universal, LEGENDS (East Zone) Le Lagaali Couture, families and friends.
Miss Christian Wright Sa’alea shows off her swimwear, which won that category for the Miss SOFIAS 39th Beauty Pageant on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the DYWA Center in Tafuna. The Tafuna High School teacher was crowned that evening the Miss SOFIAS 2023. [photo: faaTalanoa Media]
Capturing 2nd place is 22-year-old Miss Vashley Mulitalo, who won the Talent Award and Best Stage Interview plus pre-pageant awards for Best Sunday Wear and Miss Photogenic.
Miss Vashley Mulitalo promoted coral preservation and awareness — here she displays her Lady SOFIAS outfit during the 39th Annual Miss SOFIAS Beauty Pageant on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The 22-year-old, an employee of StarKist Samoa, was the first runner up at the pageant. [photo: faaTalanoa Media]
The 3rd place winner was 31-year-old Miss Kandii Lei Fanolua who won the pre-pageant awards for Best Patriotic Wear, SOFIA Award, Miss Charity and Miss Internet.
The contestants for the Miss SOFIAS with Outgoing Miss SOFIAS Aruni Talaifaga during the announcements of awards at the 39th Annual Miss SOFIAS Beauty Pageant on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the DWYA Center in Tafuna. (L-r) Miss Karen Kalani Tuese Sekai, Miss Christian Wright Sa’alea, Miss Kandii Lei Fanolua, Miss Vashley Mulitalo and Ms. Aruni. [photo: faaTalanoa Media]
The 4th place went to Miss Karen Kalani Tuese Sekai, 22, of Nu’uuli.