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Mother calls cops after sons fight over cell phone


Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — On November 6, 2024, a concerned mother contacted the Tafuna Police Substation (TPS) to report that her older son allegedly assaulted and threatened her younger son.

The suspect was apprehended and charged with:

Count 1: Private Peace Disturbance (DV), a class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to fifteen days, a fine of $300, or both; and,

Count 2: Assault in the Third Degree ( As a C Misd.) (DV), a class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to fifteen days, a fine of $300, or both.

The defendant’s bail was set at $1,000.

According to the affidavit, on November 6th, at about 11:08 p.m., a female individual (reporter) contacted the TPS regarding her son James Fitiao (suspect) fighting with his little brother (victim) at the house.

The police officers responded to the call and upon arrival met up with the reporter, who briefly explained what had happened.

According to the reporter, the suspect got mad at his younger brother when he politely asked for his phone. She stated that the suspect got up and grabbed a machete to assault the victim. The suspect also threatened to cut up the victim with the machete.

The reporter explained that the victim felt threatened so he grabbed rocks and threw them at the suspect. The reporter also informed the officers that this is not the first incident and she knows the situation will escalate later.

A witness who was present during the incident stated that “it all began with the suspect getting mad at the victim when he was just asking nicely for his phone”. The suspect then suddenly grabbed a machete and attempted to cut the suspect. As a result, the suspect and victim started throwing rocks at each other.

The officers apprehended the suspect and transported at the TPS for further investigation.

Upon arrival at the station, the suspect was Mirandized and he refused to make a statement.

The suspect was booked and confined at the Tafuna Correctional Facility to await the next available sitting of the District Court.

The defendant is identified as a 30-year-old U.S National.