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Comment deadline for Entry Permit Waiver Program set for end of June

dept of legal affairs

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Written comments are being solicited after the American Samoa Dept. of Legal Affairs issued notice on June 4, 2024, that it intends to amend American Samoa Administrative Code (ASAC) 41.1102 (C) regarding the American Samoa Entry Permit Waiver Program.

Under the program, Samoa citizens may travel to American Samoa for stays up to ten days without obtaining an Entry Permit because of American Samoa's close familial, cultural, linguistic and historical ties with Samoa, and in order for Samoa to reciprocate and waive Entry Permits or Visas for non-citizen U.S. Nationals traveling to Samoa. There is a $10 processing fee for an entry permit waiver for a Samoa citizen.

A Samoa citizen who does not have a passport may travel to American Samoa on a valid document of identity. There will be a monthly maximum of 400 Samoa citizens who will be allowed entry to American Samoa under the Entry Permit Waiver Program.

A copy of the proposed amended rule is available and may be picked up at the Office of the Attorney General, ask for Makerita Falefata, at the Third Floor of the A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building, Utulei or may be downloaded from the American Samoa Government website or the Department of Legal Affairs website.

Written comments on the proposed amended administrative rule may be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General. The deadline for submission of comments is June 25, 2024.