2020 Census sets new population count for Am Samoa at 49,710
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — American Samoa’s male population is slightly higher, at 50.8% compared to the female population at 49.2% in 2020, according to data from the American Samoa’s demographic profile of the 2020 Island Area Census released last Thursday by the U.S Census Bureau.
Of the territory’s total population of 49,710 following the 2020 Census, demographic profile data shows the male population count is at 25,254 while the female population is 24,456.
For the population count by age group, Census data shows the 10 to 14 years old age group has the highest population count of 5,350 (or 10.8%), followed by age group 15 to 19 years 5,023 (10.1%) and third highest is age group 5 to 9 years at 4,990 (or 10.0%).
According to the Census Bureau, the demographic profile provides characteristics about population, including information on racial and ethnic composition.
American Samoa’s profile data shows that the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population was the largest race group, with 44,090 people identifying as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone.
Overall, 46,233 people reported Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with another race group, such as Asian.
The Census Bureau reports that the Samoan population was the largest detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group. In 2020, 41,382 people (83.2%) identified as Samoan alone with no additional detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group or race group.
Also in 2020, 44,461 people identified as Samoan alone or in any combination with another detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group or race group, such as Tongan or Asian.
For the Asian population in 2020, the Census Bureau said that it was the second-largest racial group in the territory, with 2,878 people identifying as Asian alone. Overall, 3,899 people reported Asian alone or in combination with another race group, such as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.
According to the Census Bureau, the Filipino population was the largest detailed Asian group in 2020, with 1,699 people identified as Filipino alone with no additional detailed Asian group or race group.
The next largest race groups were White alone, Some Other Race alone, Black or African American alone, and American Indian and Alaska Native alone.
The Multiracial population — also referred to as the Two or More Races population — was 2,192, according to the census profile for American Samoa, and it also notes that the Hispanic or Latino population was 406.
The Census Bureau points out that the 2020 Island Areas Censuses provide a variety of economic characteristics for American Samoa, including statistics on income and poverty. Income questions on the census asked about income for the prior calendar year.
The results are that, median household income in American Samoa did not show much change from $28,539 (in 2019 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2009 to $28,352 in 2019.
And percentage of families in poverty in American Samoa declined from 54.4% in 2009 to 50.7% in 2019.
Among the housing characteristics, the 2020 Island Areas Censuses provided information on homeownership and household size. For example, the homeownership rate in American Samoa was 71.1% in 2020, down slightly from 73.3% in 2010.
The average household size in American Samoa decreased from 6.00 in 2010 to 4.96 in 2020.
The 2020 Island Areas Censuses also collected information about computer and internet use, including type of computer devices, internet subscription status, and type of internet service.
Among all households in American Samoa, 92.0% had at least one type of computer and 69.0% had a broadband internet subscription.
Among the social characteristics, the 2020 Island Areas Censuses collected information about school enrollment, educational attainment, place of birth, and language spoken at home.
Data on social characteristics and other demographic profile information, including maps, on American Samoa from the 2020 Island Areas Census is provide online (https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/2020-island-areas-american-samoa.html)