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Underage pregnant girl allegedly assaulted by her 21-yr-old boyfriend


Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — On February 20, 2024, the Tafuna Police Substation (TPS) received a call from a concerned mother to report ongoing domestic violence between her son (suspect) and his girlfriend (victim). The victim was 8 months pregnant and later revealed to allegedly be a minor.

The suspect was apprehended and charged with the following:

Count 1: Sexual Assault (DV) — a class C felony punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years, a fine of up to $5,000, or both;

Count 2: Assault in Third Degree (DV) — a class A misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of up to $1,000, or both; and,

Count 3: Private Peace Disturbance (DV) — a class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than 15 days, a fine of not more than $300, or both.

The defendant’s bail was set at $5,000.

(Due to the victim being underage, Samoa News has not identified the victim or defendant.)

According to the affidavit, on February 20, at about 8 am, the suspect had a verbal argument with his girlfriend (victim) at the suspect’s home in Nu’uuli.

The investigation revealed that the argument escalated to where the suspect reportedly punched the victim who is 8 months pregnant, in her stomach. The victim allegedly fell to the ground in pain and the suspect went inside the house and threw a glass jar out through the front window where the victim was laying.

When officers responded to the call they met up with the concerned mother where she verbally stated what had happened. According to the mother’s verbal statement, “she feels like the suspect’s and the victim’s maid” — even cooking food for them.

The mother also stated that she heard the suspect yelling from the second floor towards the victim and throwing things around.

She then heard glass shatter and the chairs being thrown from the second floor down to the first floor of the house, and that’s when she contacted the TPS in need of police assistance in removing both the suspect and victim from her house.

The police officers proceeded to the second floor where they met up with the victim and she explained that the suspect had fled the scene.

When officers approached the victim they observed glass shattered around the floor.

One of the officers interviewed the victim at the scene where she verbally stated that she had an argument with the suspect and that he punched her in her stomach several times. She continued that she fell to the ground feeling pain, then she got back up and went inside their bedroom and cried.

After interviewing the victim, she was advised by the officer that she would be transported to the TPS for further investigation and to have her seen by the EMS.

Upon arrival at the TPS, the victim was seen by the EMS where she was treated. The victim also requested to go into the LBJ Hospital for further treatment.

At about 1:12 pm, the TPS received a call from a woman claiming to be the victim’s sister. She reported that the victim had run away from the hospital before she was seen by the doctor. However, the officer explained to the sister that they cannot force the victim to do anything due to the fact she is 18 years old. The sister stated on the phone that her sister is only 16 years old and she had been running away from home to be with her boyfriend. The officer then told the sister over the phone that she needed to bring in proof that the victim is 16 years old.

On the same day at about 1:37 pm, the sister walked into the TPS with the victim’s passport and identification card.

The documents revealed the victim’s real identity and proof she was 16 years old. The officer interviewed the sister and she verbally stated that the victim has been running away from home and she is concerned about her health while she is carrying a child. The sister revealed that she received a call from the TPS regarding her sister (victim) being transported into the LBJ Hospital for further treatment and she proceeded there. However, when she arrived at the hospital, the nurses told her that her sister had left the hospital before she was seen by the doctor.

She then contacted her uncle’s wife in Nu’uuli to check if the victim was back at the suspect’s house and she confirmed that the victim was back at the suspect’s house in Nu’uuli.

Police officers proceeded to the suspect’s residence in Nu’uuli. Upon arrival some of the officers proceeded to the second floor of the house where the victim’s and suspect’s room is located while the rest of the officers checked the first floor.

When officers knocked on the door of the victim’s and suspect’s bedroom, the victim opened the door. Both victim and suspect were advised to exit the room where officers apprehended the suspect and placed him inside the police unit to be transported to the TPS for further investigation. The victim was also assisted into another police unit.

Upon arrival at the TPS, police officers interviewed the victim where she verbally stated that she and the suspect started dating on April 7, 2022. The victim further stated that they spoke over the phone for a year and a half until the end of June 2023 when she went over to the suspect’s house and had sexual intercourse.

According to the victim, they had sexual intercourse several times but do not recall each month and date. Moreover, she stated that the first intercourse they had got her pregnant and as of right now she is 8 months pregnant.

After interviewing the victim, a police officer interrogated the suspect where he was Mirandized and he made a statement.

According to the suspect’s verbal statement, he and the victim had been together for two years and some months and that he had just found out last year that the victim was 16 years old.

The suspect also stated that the first time he and the victim had sexual intercourse was the ending of June, which got her pregnant. After interrogating the suspect, he was booked and transported to the Tafuna Correctional Facility to be confined until his court appearance.

The Child Protective Services (CPS) did an assessment of the victim where they informed the officer that the victim will be taken into the children’s shelter until further notice. On the same day, CPS officers transported the victim to the shelter.

It was noted that the first encounter happened in June 2023 where the suspect had sexual intercourse with the victim and she was 15 years old. The victim and suspect had sexual intercourse several times every month whereas the victim cannot recall exact dates. The victim is now 8 months pregnant and was still engaging in sexual intercourse with the suspect.

The suspect is identified as a 21-year-old, U.S National.