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In-coming admin requests transition budget and assistance of $200,000

Governor-elect Pula Nikolao Pula

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The incoming administration of Governor-Elect Pula has formally requested some specific support and assistance from the Lemanu & La’apui Administration to ensure a smooth and efficient transition.

The formal request was made in a letter addressed to Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga, dated Nov. 25, 2024, from the Office of the Governor-Elect of American Samoa’s Executive Director Ella Gurr.

It lays out “a few critical resources and points of coordination that will be vital for the team's success” and hopes they can be addressed as soon as possible.

At the top of the list is Office Space, followed by Funding for the Transition, and then a Request for Cabinet Meetings; identifying the Governor’s Point of Contact; and, copies of the Approved FY 2025 Budget.

For Office Space, the Office of the Governor-Elect (OGE) wants to establish a “dedicated office space in the Fagatogo/ Utulei area where the transition team can effectively collaborate and plan, starting December 2. This space should be equipped with essential infrastructure such as meeting rooms, workstations, and access to communication tools. Ideally, the location will be both convenient and easily accessible and offer adequate space for a growing team.”

Funding for the Transition is requested in the amount of $200,000, which OGE states is “to support various transition-related activities.” it’s explained that the funding “will cover staffing, administrative expenses, communications, and other necessary resources that will enable the team to operate efficiently during this critical period. “A detailed budget can be provided upon request.”

The requested cabinet meetings is “with key officials of the incoming administration beginning December 9th through December 20th.

The Governor's Point of Contact would “facilitate coordination and streamline communication between the transition team and relevant government offices.” A designated single point of contact within the governor’s organization would “ensure a smooth transition process unencumbered by misunderstandings,” OGE notes.

OGE is also requesting “three (3) hard copies of the ASG FY 2025 Budget as approved by the Fono and signed into law by Governor Lemanu, as well as a soft copy if available.”

In addition to the letter, a PDF document was attached “that humbly asks if some revisions and/or clarifications are possible” to Gov. Lemanu's General Memorandum 243 that was issued on Nov. 22, 2024, in which the governor requested that each ASG entity director or head — department, office, authority and agency — prepare a Transition Report and an Inventory of its assets.

The memo states that “directors are responsible for ensuring completion of these tasks and shall designate a transition team within their Departments to assist in preparing these documents. “Deputy Chief of Staff Lydia Amisone will be the primary point of contact for submissions.”

The letter adds that “should you require additional information or wish to discuss these requests further” the OGE Executive Director Gurr, or Deputy Executive Director Lewis Holman are available for contact.

“We look forward to your partnership in this important process,” the letter concludes. “We believe that with your invaluable and deeply-appreciated support, the transition will be both effective and seamless, and we are committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure a successful shift in leadership.”


GM 243 requests that Departmental Transition Reports and inventories be prepared by the head of each Department, Agency, or Office.

It states in part that “As we transition to the next administration, this information is extremely important for the continuity and maintenance of good government.”

The memorandum identifies that guidelines are provided for the Departmental Transition Report, and that it should be submitted in a 3-ring binder and include the entities FY2025 Annual Plan, FY2025 Budget, Organization Chart, and Property Inventory.

Submission of the written Departmental Transition Report was due no later than close of business, Friday, November 29, 2024. It’s unknown at this time if all government entities have met the deadline.

The memo also notes that the Inventory Submission Reminder Letter, dated September 24, 2024 was sent by the Office of Property Management, which confirmed the governor’s directive for completion of a 10% inventory report.

“All inventory reports should be complete,” the memo states. “If you have not completed your report, then your report is seriously delinquent and must be provided immediately. If you have any questions, please contact OPM without delay.”


The guidelines for an ASG departmental transition report outlines what is needed by each ASGG entity head to develop, coordinate and compile a transition report.

Notes in “red” are added to the some of the guidelines by the OGE to indicate their concerns.

One such issue is that due to the Thanksgiving Holiday that the Nov. 29th deadline provides enough time to prepare a thorough report, in a timely manner. Another concern is with personnel in each entity — specifically OGE wants to know “who will be resigning (and when), per law/ custom.”

A timeline for the transition of the Pula & Pulu Administration and the official end of the Lemanu & La’apui Administration is also provided in the guidelines.

The timeline the L&L Administration is looking at is as follows:

December 23, 2024 —  Cabinet Meeting with key officials of incoming administration, at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium, which will be the time transition binders will be presented to the incoming P&P Administration. Heads of the ASG entities at that time will schedule briefings with their incoming counterparts.

OGE wants this to be moved up to December 9th, “to allow great work to be done, and Christmas to be enjoyed.”

December 26, 2024 to January 2, 2025 — Transition continues at departments/offices. It notes that “offie space is available at Customs Warehouse in Tafuna for use by the incoming transition team.

OGE wants the transition work to be done earlier, “to allow adequate time to prepare for the transition.” This would tie in with OGE’s request to move the Cabinet Meeting at the Lee Auditorium to Dec. 9th. And, as indicated in its letter to Lemanu, OGE wants office space in the Utulei/ Fagatogo area. it also wanted/ requested that the office be available by Dec. 2.

January 3, 2025 — 8:00 AM - Turn over keys and any equipment/ technology, and at 12:00 PM — Official end of Lemanu and La'apui Administration.

OGE notes that the turning over of keys and assets relates primarily to “departing personnel, not all the keys and assets of the department.