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Pacific Internal Training Desk staff and trainees, with meteorologist in charge, Elinor Lutu-McMoore visited the American Samoa Department of Homeland Security (ASDHS) last week. This photo was taken in the ASDHS EOC Conference Room with Deputy Director Jacinta Brown, standing front row, center. [...
American Samoa’s U18 Women’s Beach Handball Team, with their supporters, proudly displayed two American Samoa flags over the weekend, following the team’s scrimmage and training with the USA Beach Handball Team, at Mission Beach in San Diego, California. This was one of the local team’s trainings...
Lt. Gov. Lemanu Palepoi Sialega Mauga (second from right), along with Hawaiian Airlines executives from Honolulu, as well as Congresswoman Aumua Amata and others following last Thursday’s blessing ceremony of the airline’s cargo facility at Pago Pago International Airport. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost]
Manatua lenei faleo'o i le Malae Va'alele i Tafuna i tausaga ua te’a? Ioe e faia ai fa'afiafiaga e fa'afeiloa'ia ai nai malo asiasi mai fafo, ma sa fai fo'i ma mata'aga o le ituaiga fale Samoa. [ata: foa'i]
Sei va'ai i le gataifale o Afonotele, o nisi o ata sa mafai ona maimoaina ma le mo'omo'o o le au usugafono o lenei tausaga a le US Coral Reef Task Force i le matagofie ma le lafulemu o le gataifale o lea fo'i afio'aga, o lo'o mana'omia pea ona fa'asao mo a taeao. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
Governor Ige of the State of Hawaii pictured with Fa’atausala Stanley, a student of Le Fetuao Samoan Language Center during her summer internship at the governor’s office. She is the daughter of Elijah Stanley of Vaitogi and Deborah Nikolao Stanley of Utulei. Le Fetuao SLC’s youth project, TAEAO...
Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga and US Interior Department’s Office of Insular Affairs director, Nikolao Pula, were among the several individuals who helped turn the soil during yesterday’s ground breaking ceremony for the new two-story Fono building. See today's Lali section for details. [photo: Leua...
A US federal official (sitting) accepts her ava cup during yesterday’s official welcoming ava ceremony to kick off the opening of the 40th Meeting of the US Coral Reef Task Force hosted by American Samoa. The ava ceremony was held at the Samoan fale at Su’igaula o le Atuvasa park at Utulei Beach. [...
Marist Brothers HS Class of 1988 alumni: John Willis, Filoisamoa Langkilde, J. Victor Langkilde, Reverend Father Kelemete Pua'auli, Milton Taufa'asau, Ira Uiagalelei, and Tutuila Manase. They are part of the 53 graduates of the Crusaders Class of '88 who recently celebrated their 30th reunion. To...
A best wishes banner for the newlyweds — Lt. Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga and his wife Miss Ella Gaea Pelefoti of Vaitogi, who wed on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 11, 2018. The wedding was a surprise to many in the Territory — with social media, such as the Samoa News Facebook page officially...