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ARRESTED. Detectives of the DPS Vice & Narcotics Units escort Alapati Vaivai out of District Court last Wednesday after his hearing, back to the Tafuna Correctional Facility (TCF), where he was processed and released pursuant to a court order. However, after being released, he was immediately...
JPS ATC Florence Wasko who ASHSAA’s certified athletic trainer assisting Zephanaia Pati off the field with a knee injury that would rule Pati out of the game early in the opening half of their rivalry match up against the Lions a week ago. Florence is the daughter of John and Luau Wasko. Faafetai...
Ua le o toe mamao ae fa'amau fa'ailoga fo'i le atoaga o le 9 tausaga talu ona lutia i tatou i le Tsunami po'o galulolo tele i le atunu'u. Le aso 29 Setema 2009. O se tasi lea o fa'amanatuga o lea fo'i aso ua va'aia ai le lolofi atu o i latou i le nofoaga Leone Healing Garden i Leone, e faia ai le...
Prior to yesterday morning’s traditional ceremony bestowing the chiefly title, Fanene of Pago Pago, on Edda Kava Wyberski (fourth from left) — she posed with her family in this photo at their family home in Pago Pago. The bestowal ceremony, attended by traditional leaders including Paramount Chief...
McConnell Dowell personnel are pictured last Thursday at the Hope House atrium where McConnell Dowell made a $1,000 donation to Hope House, accepted by board members and Rev. Fr. Faitau Lemautu said, “Aside from monetary donations for Hope House every year, McConnell Dowell has been called upon...
Le Tausala Lalelei o le Pasefika Matauaina Toomalatai (itu tauagavale) ma le Peresetene o le MASI Meafou Imo, i le taimi na malaga ai i Savi’i mo le Tauvaga Tausala Lalelei o Samoa i le toe fa'aiuga o le vaiaso o le Teuila Festival i le tausaga 2018. [ata: foa'i]
Lt. Gov. Lemanu Sialega Palepoi Mauga (middle) taking pills for lymphatic filariasis during yesterday’s Mass Drug Administration launch at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium. Lemanu delivered special remarks at the opening ceremony to launch the MDA. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost]
Local substance abuse counselors (DHSS, CSS, EPIC, PYCD) and their trainer, Cynthia Moreno-Tuohy, of The Association of Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) and DHSS Director Muavaefaatasi John Suisala. Cynthia Moreno-Tuohy, NAADAC Executive Director, conducted a 5-day training last week on counseling...
First Lady Cynthia Moliga (center, seated) last week hosted ASCC students from the class ART 160 - Design Fundamentals, taught by artist Regina Meredith (seated next to the First Lady). The First Lady allowed the students to view the many works of art and historical artifacts on display in the...
A Partnership Program with the American Samoa Swimming Association and the Pala Lagoon Swimming Center, and Pacific Horizons School is piloting swimming lessons as part of Physical Education (PE) classes for their high school and elementary grades 2-5 this 2018-19 school year. Debbs Cox instructs...