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A high official in the Immigration office has been reported for alleged Sex Human Trafficking of a young woman.(SN edition 4/2015) In collusion with him is his Immigration secretary who facilitated the Trafficking from within the department and an elderly businessman known as the Immigration Ambassador. This same individual also falsified his claim as her sponsor to qualify her re-entry back into Pago Pago from Apia.


All copies of the reported documents; names here and in Apia, including the identity of the Immigration Ambassador were given to Homeland Security, Department of Public Safety /Criminal Investigation Dept. and the Attorney General's office — it’s on record.


The planning and manipulation of this crime began when an Immigration official told the victim her Amnesty request was denied without her attending a hearing. Thus began the exploitation of her desperation and vulnerability.


I believe an International Incident was created when the victim was sent overseas to Apia to consummate the plan that was hatched in Pago Pago.


As the Victim Advocate that walked with her through the system, it has been an uphill battle all the way. I am amazed at the characters holding high official titles that seem to be either paralyzed, indifferent or ignorant to the plight of this victim of Human Trafficking. Characters sworn to uphold the law and protect the citizens.


I have learned a lot about poor 'professional attitudes' to include lack of training in the interaction with victims. The frustration is the patronizing by parrots.


Because of the role played by this Immigration high official along with some members of his staff, including the response of Homeland Security, CID and AG in this matter, it means our borders are wide open to corruption — open to the easy Trafficking of children and women for slavery; domestic and sex trade, or males and their families held in bondage in isolated plantations up in the mountains. Male bondage is especially needed for cheap labor, farming, construction, stevedores, warehousing etc.


Listening and reading up on public court hearings also appears perplexing due to the inability of the Chief Justice to get basic information from an evasive Chief of Immigration on criminals’ free access onto our shores and the names of the sponsors bringing them in. What a merry-go-round.


The violation of Human Rights, from known top ranks within the administration, is fueled by fear and the exploitation of the human need for job security. Silence and indifference breeds anarchy.


Where are we going and who is in control of our little nation made ripe by corruption for international exploitation?


Colossians 4:1 Masters, give unto your servants that which is JUST and EQUAL; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.