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Fono News



Both the Senate and House health committees have scheduled separate hearings tomorrow (Wednesday) over the increase in the number of dengue fever cases and the shortage of medical professionals at LBJ Medical Center.


In the Senate, Sen. Afoa Moega Lutu, circulated among his colleagues a list of issues he hopes to be addressed during the 2nd Regular Session, which convened yesterday. Among the issues, are dengue fever and the shortage of nurses and other medical professionals at the hospital.


Sen. Nuanuaolefeagaiga Sao Nua says these are two very important issues that need to be discussed with LBJ and Health officials. He suggested that the Senate Health/LBJ Committee conduct appropriate hearings to find out more about these matters — which cannot be ignored. 


Sen. Tuaolo Manaia Fruean, who was sworn in last week as the new senator for Pago Pago, takes over as chairman of the Senate Health committee from Sen. Mauga T. Asuega, who is now the Secretary of Samoan Affairs.


Tuaolo said the shortage of doctors is a long standing serious problem and that he has suggested to the governor to use his executive authority to bring in new physicians. He also said that since American Samoa is now faced with a dengue fever “epidemic”, senators need to get information from LBJ and the Health Department.


He has scheduled a hearing for 8a.m. tomorrow morning (Wednesday) and among the witnesses called to testify are the LBJ board, hospital management, and DOH officials.


The same issues raised in the Senate were also discussed in the House, whose Health Committee has scheduled a hearing for 1p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). Witnesses called to testify are the same ones being called by the Senate.


Rep. Faimealelei Anthony Allen says he is the only LBJ board member on island at this time. Additionally, a meeting was held last week with LBJ and DOH officials along with the governor on these same important matters.


House Speaker Savali Talavou Ale suggested the committee also come up with a solution to assist DoH and LBJ. (See Samoa News edition of July 10 on the shortage of doctors and dengue fever which has so far claimed the lives of three people in the territory.)




Senators yesterday approved a Senate Concurrent Resolution calling for a mid session recess of the 2nd Regular Session of the 34th Legislature, to commence at the close of business tomorrow (Wednesday) and return on Aug. 3.


The two and half week recess is to, among other things, save session days while the Fono awaits the submission of the fiscal year 2016 budget from the Lolo administration. The Fiscal Year  commences Oct. 1, 2015. The Senate resolution now goes to the House for approval.




Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga has invited lawmakers to attend an American Samoa Power Authority presentation at 9a.m. tomorrow at the Governor’s Conference Room.


The letter of invitation was distributed to House members during its session yesterday but it's unclear if the Senate has received the invitation, which is dated July 8. House members are scheduled to attend the ASPA presentation.


“Due to the pervasive impact of the cost of electricity and other utilities on the lives of our people and business,” Lolo said in the invitation letter that he has reached out to the ASPA board to present its plan to reduce the cost of electricity and other utilities.


“Depending on the content of the presentation, there might be a need for us to collaborate on strategies to ease the financial burden on our people,” he said, adding that ASPA’s presentation is very important “because every facet of life in our territory is financially impacted by the cost of utilities.”