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Court Report


An intoxicated man who allegedly pointed an unlicensed gun at a family member made his initial appearance before District Court Judge John Ward yesterday morning.

Lomitusi Filiga, in his 40’s, is charged with public peace disturbance; however the government is looking into filing additional weapon charges against the defendant.

Police affidavit says the defendant, who was allegedly intoxicated at the time, pointed a 38 handgun at a family member in Fagatogo on Tuesday. The complaining witness walked over to the Central Police station in Fagatogo and filed a complaint with police, who later apprehended the defendant.

Police said they had to place the defendant into custody for his own safety, because he was intoxicated. According to police, the defendant said he was just playing around and he was not serious.

Assistant Attorney General Camille Phillipe said she’s waiting for the police report from the investigating police officer. Filiga is represented by the Public Defender’s office.

Bail for the defendant was set at $1,000 and he’s scheduled to appear again on February 21, 2012. Police have confiscated the weapon involved in this matter.


The government case against the three men charged in the brutal beating death of Sio Faumui also known as “Chico” in June last year has been rescheduled again to a later date. This matter was scheduled for jury trial yesterday before the High Court.

Nemaia Poamo, Migo Misa and Sefo Siaulaiga — aka Raponi Siaulaiga — are each charged with murder in the second degree. The government alleges that Siaulaiga, Misa and Poamo assaulted Faumui of Iliili with their hands and left him lying unconscious about 15-feet from the main road in Malaeimi. It’s also alleged that Poamo and Siaulaiga further beat the victim with rocks and Misa used a beer bottle to strike Faumui’s face.

According to the government’s case, Poamo and Migo punched and kicked Faumui at least 15 to 20 times. Faumui suffered multiple facial injuries. All three have admitted to police that they assaulted Faumui, according to court affidavits. The date for the next hearing is yet to be scheduled.