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ASG's lengthy hiring process draws lots of complaints

The Department of Legal Affairs, which has been faced with a long standing problem of shortage of criminal attorneys, has described the government's hiring process as \tedious and counter-productive\ and it appears that individual cases for hiring \have been purposely delayed.\Legal Affairs' observation was made in its fourth quarter performance report for fiscal year 2011 as one of the program impediments the agency faced. The Department of Public Works in its 4th quarter performance report also cited concerns with the hiring process which \takes a very long time\.Samoa News has heard from other departments faced with the same problem and even recalls Fono hearings where ASG officials told lawmakers that they can't fill some of their budgeted positions due to the \slow pace\ in getting the paperwork through the Department of Human Resources.\I regret any inconveniences experienced by any of the departments and agencies in the recruitment and hiring for filling position vacancies