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TBAS Opening

First Lady Cynthia Malala Moliga did the honors of cutting the ribbon to open the new Territorial Bank of American Samoa, located at the Centennial Building in Utulei — the former site of the main

Fa’aauau pea tautua Ofisa o le TAOA mo tagata matutua

Le Faatonusili o le Ofisa o Tagata Matutua, tofa Ale Tifimalae i totonu o le maketi o lo o fa’atau ai galuega taulima a tagata matutua, lea na tatalaina i le taeao ananafi. [ata AF]

O le taeao ananafi na fa’alauiloa ai se tasi o vaega tele o le tautua a le Ofisa o Tagata Matutua mo Tama ma Tina matutua i le atunu’u, e ala i le tatala aloaiaina o le latou Maketi o Galuega Tauli
