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Home destroyed

A young man helping to gather his family’s belongings and sort through them, sitting on the wooden floor of what is left of his home, which was destroyed last Friday by Tropical Cyclone Gita.

Amata fa’agasolo suesuega mo meatotino sa fa’aleagaina i le ‘afa Gita

Se vaaiga i se ali’i laititi o lo o nofo i le nofoa i luga o le fola o le latou fale na malepe i le ‘afa o Gita i le fa’aiuga o le vaiaso na te’a nei, a o fesoasoani ai isi ali’i talavou i le tau tapenaina o mea totino ua fa’aleagaina i Pago Pago. [ata AF]

O le aso ananafi na amata fa’agasolo ai su’esu’ega a se Vaega Faapitoa a le malo e Suesueina meatotino sa fa’aleagaina i le ‘afa o Gita (EOC Damage Assessments), mo le asia lea o mea uma sa fa’alea
